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The Cult of Context Switching

Most of the time, I write the article. This time I just want to share one. I've already sent this to a few of you, but I keep returning to it, following the links off of it, thinking about what new habits I need to build in my life, noticing the poor habits I need to correct. 

So today I'm just going to quote tweet one of the best articles I've read recently about time, attention, and context switching.

In related news, let me mention that I recently migrated my trusted GTD system from to todoist. Quite happy to be a reference for todoist. Whether you are already a Getting Things Done practitioner or just want to have a nice, easy to use, multi-platform task list, I can definitely recommend.

"The more your attention is divided, the harder it becomes to stay focused on any one thing in a vicious cycle that ends in mental exhaustion with little to show for it." ~ Elaine Meyer