Toast Changes

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Status Update

So, I’m back in New Zealand.

All the Congers and Morrisons made it back, barely under the wire. We’re in self-isolation with our fingers and toes crossed that we are not going to be one of those imported cases that currently drive New Zealand’s total case load. So far so good, but until we get out of Quarantine Club I won’t stop being worried.

I don’t have a lot else to say at the moment, but I did feel it was important to let everyone on this mailing list know we’re home, we’re healthy, we’re dealing with this day-to-day like you are.

I have a number of coping strategies for the weeks ahead. The one which involves you lot is that I’m offering my skills and experience if anyone wants them as you hunker down. The things to remind you about my background which might prove useful:

- I homeschooled 3 children ages 5 - 15 over six years;

- I lived on a 11 metre boat with my family for that entire time, several times we were ‘self-isolating’ in the middle of the Pacific… once for 23 days;

- I have both worked from home and coached individuals and leaders on how to better work from home;

- I provisioned a boat for a six month journey and know exactly what to buy, how to store things for the long haul, and what to do when the toilet paper runs out.

 I don’t know what you might find useful. You can reach out to me via email, Twitter (@toastfloats), WhatsApp (640274054690) or phone (same number). Maybe you just want to talk. I’m not a psych professional, EAP, or a trained educator, but I have opinions and I kinda sorta know how to listen.

I mean, I get it. I always have opinions. But if you or yours would find any of those opinions a smidge useful, you’d be doing me a favour by giving me at least a small portion of my day to concentrate on someone else. I’d really benefit from that, to be frank.

Good luck everyone.

Now go wash your hands.